MW’s MOTHAFUCKIN 40 and a half and 30 seconds BIRFDAY



Friends. We are psyched to see you, let’s celebrate!

UPDATES: as of 8/17

  • Let us know what you might need to make it a happening weekend for you!

  • What to bring: food, drink, music/ music making to share. For out of towners- boots, warm clothes.

  • Kids are welcome!

  • Covid Shit

    • If you’re feeling sick, please don’t come.

    • Negative covid tests are also welcome!

  • Also we had a ton of work done on the property (can't wait to show you) and it's potentially pretty muddy in spots. So. Boots.

  • Depending on if we find a proper Aquavit, we are psyched to share our custom birthday cocktail this weekend, The Asteraceae Calenduligulae—a refreshing herbal citrus concoction with fresh chamomile and calendula we developed with friends Alex and Rebecca.

  • Eszter made a lovely spreadsheet for people to share what they may be bringing to share. If anyone has any special goodies for the birfday boy, he won’t complain.

  • Getting here

    • Space Acres is at 259 Benton Hollow Rd. Livingston Manor NY 12758

    • To NYCers: Please let us know if you can give a ride to/from NYC, or if you need a ride to/from NYC.

    • There’s also a bus—best option is the Shortline Bus to Monticello—and then a pick up from one of us.

THE SCHEDULE: as of 8/17

  • On Friday @ 9pm --we're having the big Space Acres Comedy Show #3! Yes, Matt is hosting---and we're featuring Myq Kaplan! He's famous! It will be 10 minutes away at a bar called Cabernet Frank's in Parksville, $10 at the door.

  • On Saturday we are chillin. We'll have the grill on for you and probably gonna do a forest walk. Sat night and music will probably be involved.

  • On Sunday around sundown Pond Wave, the premier ambient wedding band of the Catskills will play their 2nd gig ever. Looks like you're taking Monday off.


People!August 19-21 is a VERY important weekend. Matt is turning 40 and a half and thirty seconds old! It's also our 8th wedding anniversary! AND it's perfect timing exactly in between pandemics, so we'd love for you to swing by Space Acres so we can see your pretty faces. Feel free to come camp, or grab an Airbnb in Livingston Manor, or roam the hills like the free people you are. We'd like to keep things pretty chill on the hosting side, so please BYO with extra to share and help us keep a leave no trace kind of vibe.


  • We'd like to keep track of people coming and going, so please let us know your plans. Feel free to bring +1s, but let us know their names

  • Try to keep house traffic to a minimum. Bring a cooler for your stuff and please don't leave us with your leftovers. Feel free to use the downstairs bathroom and shower.

  • More stuff to come as we nail down the schedule. Look for another email with the details.